Protecting Customers from Machinery Injuries
In providing services, your business might give customers access to certain machinery. For example, a locksmith might allow patrons to cut their own keys. Contractors might let patrons cut their own timber. Grocers let visitors weight produce. Everywhere, self-service is becoming more and more common.
During these processes, patrons will likely interact with multiple types of machinery. Generally, customers who use a business’s equipment can do so with little worry of trouble. However, there are rare occasions that something might go wrong, and harm the customer. What do you do in case of a problem? Better yet, how do you prevent them in the first place?
Preventing Injuries to Customers
Every time someone uses a service you provide, there’s a chance that a piece of machinery could harm them. Not only that, there’s a chance of any piece of machinery harming a customer, regardless of whether they use it. Should injuries happen, the business might be responsible for the damage. How can you prevent customers from getting hurt while using your machinery?
- Certain items are only meant for professional, rather than amateur use. For example, only trained operators should drive forklifts in hardware stores. If a piece of machinery is not appropriate for customer use, restrict access to these items.
- Routinely service and inspect all machinery in the business. If it has faults, or needs regular maintenance, make sure it receives attention.
- Respond immediately to customer complaints of malfunctioning machinery.
- Place instructions and warning notices on sensitive machinery. Customers should know when and how to avoid risky maneuvers.
Handling Customer Injury Claims
Maybe a client is using one of your craft store’s professional-sized paper cutters. In the process, they cut themselves. They might allege that the company neglected to see that the item works properly. The client might even sue the business. So, how should the business respond?
If you have general liability insurance, you might be in luck when claims like this arise. Liability protection can cover damage the business causes to others. In the case above, your policy might help you compensate the client for their injuries. The policy might also help you cover your legal fees should a lawsuit arise from the damage.
Keep in mind that every business is different. As a result, each one will need different types of liability insurance. Talk to your insurance agent about specific machinery you have in your business, and how it can get coverage. With a little attention, you can guarantee you won’t miss out on protection.