Preventing Vehicle Damage from Georgia Storms
febrero 8, 2018

Preventing Vehicle Damage from Georgia Storms

As we begin to approach the spring, most of us here in Georgia will likely see seasonal weather changes. As warm fronts move into the area, the might bring inclement weather with them. Fronts frequently contain storms, rain, wind, hail and other weather hazards. image of car windshield damaged by hail

When severe weather threatens, it could easily create significant damage in its wake. Among property damage that might result is damage to your vehicle. Even though they are durable items, vehicles cannot withstand everything. They often stand a risk of damage during particularly severe weather. If you have a chance you should take steps to protect your vehicle from storm damage risks.

Damage Risks from Storms

Let’s think of some of the damage cars might experience during storms:

  • Open windows or leaky seals might lead to interior water damage.
  • Falling objects like broken limbs or utility poles might crush the vehicle.
  • Projectiles or hail might impact the vehicle, causing dents, broken glass or more severe damage.
  • Lightning strikes might damage internal systems

Depending on the severity of the weather, your vehicle might face more or fewer damage risks. Nevertheless, these risks can be present in all circumstances.

Preventing Storm Damage Risks

If you have the opportunity, do everything to protect your vehicle from storm damage. Protective steps might include:

  • Placing the vehicle in a garage or carport.
  • Putting a protective weather cover over the vehicle.
  • Raising all windows and ensuring that seals do not leak.
  • Covering truck beds with tarps.
  • Moving the vehicle away from fall hazards, such as telephone poles or trees. Only park under these items at your own risk.

You should only drive in severe storms if absolutely necessary. Often, visibility, road conditions and other hazards make it pertinent for drivers to pull over to wait out the storm. Sometimes, stopping under a sturdy bridge might protect the vehicle. However, only stop under a structure if you are reasonably sure of its integrity. Keep your hazard lights on at all times while stopped. Only start driving again after the risks have passed.

Auto Insurance and Storm Damage

Should your vehicle sustain damage from a storm, your auto insurance might provide some assistance. For example, comprehensive coverage often protects vehicles from storm damage. However, make sure you add comprehensive protection to your policy. Only carrying liability or collision insurance might not provide this protection. Furthermore, make sure you carry adequate coverage limits to repair severe damage to your vehicle following storm damage.

It can be hard to determine how to set up your comprehensive car insurance. Your auto insurance agent can be a valuable source of help in getting the right policy. For more information, contact one of our team members today at 855.554.6482.

Also Read: Is Gap Insurance Required in Georgia? or What’s the Best Insurance For High-Risk Drivers?

Tags: Auto Insurance, storm damage to car, tips

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